como recuperar mensajes borrados en messenger

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By QuantumQuill

como recuperar mensajes borrados en messenger

como recuperar mensajes borrados en messenger Messenger es una de las aplicaciones de mensajería instantánea más populares del mundo, utilizada por millones de personas para comunicarse con amigos, familiares y colegas. Aunque esta aplicación ofrece …

como recuperar mensajes borrados en messenger

Messenger es una de las aplicaciones de mensajería instantánea más populares del mundo, utilizada por millones de personas para comunicarse con amigos, familiares y colegas. Aunque esta aplicación ofrece muchas funciones útiles, como llamadas de voz y video, compartir fotos y videos, también permite a los usuarios eliminar mensajes enviados. Sin embargo, a veces nos arrepentimos de haber eliminado un mensaje importante y nos preguntamos si hay alguna forma de recuperarlo. En este artículo, te mostraremos cómo recuperar mensajes borrados en Messenger y te daremos algunos consejos útiles para evitar perder mensajes importantes en el futuro.

Antes de adentrarnos en los métodos para recuperar mensajes borrados en Messenger, es importante entender cómo funciona la eliminación de mensajes en esta aplicación. Cuando eliminas un mensaje en Messenger, este desaparece de tu pantalla, pero en realidad no se elimina completamente de la aplicación. En su lugar, se mueve a una carpeta llamada “Archivados” que se encuentra en la configuración de la aplicación. Si no has eliminado manualmente los mensajes de esta carpeta, es posible recuperarlos fácilmente. Sin embargo, si los has eliminado de esta carpeta, la recuperación de los mensajes puede ser un poco más complicada.

Método 1: Utilizar la función “Archivados”

Como mencionamos anteriormente, los mensajes eliminados en Messenger se mueven a la carpeta “Archivados” y se guardan allí durante un período de tiempo. Para acceder a esta carpeta y recuperar los mensajes, sigue estos pasos:

1. Abre Messenger en tu dispositivo y haz clic en el icono de tu perfil en la esquina superior izquierda de la pantalla.

2. Selecciona “Configuración” y luego haz clic en “Mensajes archivados”.

3. Aquí encontrarás una lista de todos los mensajes eliminados. Simplemente selecciona los mensajes que deseas recuperar y haz clic en “Desarchivar” para devolverlos a tu bandeja de entrada.

Este método es el más sencillo y efectivo para recuperar mensajes eliminados en Messenger, siempre y cuando no hayas eliminado manualmente los mensajes de la carpeta “Archivados”. Sin embargo, si has eliminado los mensajes de esta carpeta, no te preocupes, todavía hay otras formas de recuperarlos.

Método 2: Utilizar una herramienta de recuperación de datos de terceros

Si no has podido recuperar tus mensajes utilizando el método anterior, puedes intentar utilizar una herramienta de recuperación de datos de terceros. Estas herramientas están diseñadas para recuperar datos perdidos de tu dispositivo, incluyendo mensajes de Messenger. Hay muchas opciones disponibles en línea, como EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard, Recuva, y Wondershare Dr.Fone. Sigue estos pasos para utilizar una de estas herramientas para recuperar tus mensajes:

1. Descarga e instala la herramienta de recuperación de datos de tu elección en tu dispositivo.

2. Abre la herramienta y sigue las instrucciones para escanear tu dispositivo en busca de datos eliminados.

3. Una vez que se haya completado el escaneo, busca los mensajes que deseas recuperar y selecciona la opción para restaurarlos a tu dispositivo.

Ten en cuenta que estas herramientas no siempre son efectivas y pueden no ser capaces de recuperar todos tus mensajes eliminados. Además, algunas de estas herramientas pueden ser de pago, así que asegúrate de investigar y elegir una opción confiable antes de realizar una compra.

Método 3: Utilizar una copia de seguridad

Si realizas regularmente copias de seguridad de tu dispositivo, es posible que puedas recuperar tus mensajes eliminados a través de una copia de seguridad anterior. Las copias de seguridad se realizan automáticamente en muchos dispositivos, pero si no tienes una copia de seguridad reciente, es posible que tengas que recurrir a una copia de seguridad más antigua. Para restaurar tus mensajes desde una copia de seguridad, sigue estos pasos:

1. Desinstala Messenger de tu dispositivo.

2. Vuelve a instalar la aplicación y sigue las instrucciones para iniciar sesión en tu cuenta.

3. Cuando se te pregunte si deseas restaurar una copia de seguridad, selecciona la más reciente que contenga tus mensajes eliminados.

4. Una vez que se haya completado el proceso de restauración, tus mensajes eliminados deberían aparecer en tu bandeja de entrada.

Consejos útiles para evitar perder mensajes importantes en el futuro

Ahora que sabes cómo recuperar mensajes borrados en Messenger, es importante tomar medidas para evitar perder mensajes importantes en el futuro. Aquí tienes algunos consejos útiles para ayudarte a mantener tus mensajes seguros y evitar perderlos:

1. Configura una copia de seguridad automática de tus chats de Messenger en tu dispositivo. Esto asegurará que siempre tengas una copia de seguridad reciente de tus mensajes en caso de que los elimines accidentalmente.

2. Piensa dos veces antes de eliminar un mensaje. Siempre es mejor prevenir que lamentar, así que asegúrate de que realmente quieres eliminar un mensaje antes de hacerlo.

3. Utiliza la opción “Archivar” en lugar de “Eliminar” si quieres ocultar un mensaje de tu bandeja de entrada. De esta manera, aún podrás acceder a él en la carpeta “Archivados” en caso de que cambies de opinión.

4. Utiliza una aplicación de terceros para realizar copias de seguridad regulares de tus mensajes. Hay muchas aplicaciones disponibles en línea que pueden ayudarte a hacer copias de seguridad de tus chats de Messenger en la nube.

5. Siempre mantén tu aplicación Messenger actualizada. Las actualizaciones pueden incluir nuevas funciones y mejoras de seguridad que pueden ayudarte a evitar la pérdida de mensajes en el futuro.

En resumen, aunque la eliminación de mensajes en Messenger puede parecer irreversible, hay varias formas de recuperarlos. Ya sea a través de la función “Archivados”, una herramienta de recuperación de datos de terceros o una copia de seguridad, siempre hay una forma de recuperar tus mensajes eliminados. Sin embargo, es importante tomar medidas para evitar perder mensajes importantes en el futuro y seguir los consejos anteriores puede ayudarte a hacerlo. Recuerda siempre pensar dos veces antes de eliminar un mensaje y mantener tu aplicación Messenger actualizada para evitar problemas en el futuro.

change wifi channel at&t

In today’s digital age, having a strong and stable WiFi connection is crucial for everyday tasks such as browsing the internet, streaming videos, and making video calls. However, despite having a high-speed internet connection, you may experience slow WiFi speeds or frequent disconnections. One of the main reasons for this is interference from other WiFi networks, resulting in a crowded and congested WiFi channel. As an AT&T customer, you have the option to change your WiFi channel to improve your connection. In this article, we will discuss what WiFi channels are, why changing them is important, and how you can change your WiFi channel with AT&T.

Before we dive into the process of changing your WiFi channel with AT&T, let’s first understand what WiFi channels are. WiFi channels are specific frequencies within the 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands that WiFi routers use to transmit data. These frequencies are divided into different channels, and each channel has a specific frequency and bandwidth. WiFi routers usually have multiple channels, and they automatically select the least congested channel to provide the best possible connection. However, in highly populated areas, multiple WiFi networks may be using the same channel, causing interference and resulting in a weaker connection.

So, why is it important to change your WiFi channel? As mentioned earlier, interference from other WiFi networks can cause slow speeds and frequent disconnections. Changing your WiFi channel can help reduce this interference and improve your connection speed and stability. Additionally, changing your WiFi channel can also help if you live in an apartment building or a densely populated area where there are several WiFi networks in close proximity.

Now that we understand the importance of changing our WiFi channel let’s take a look at how we can do it with AT&T. The process may vary slightly depending on your specific router model. However, the general steps remain the same.

Step 1: Access your router’s settings
To change your WiFi channel, you will need to access your router’s settings. To do this, you will first need to connect your device (computer , laptop, or smartphone) to your WiFi network. Once connected, open your web browser and type in your router’s IP address in the address bar. This address is usually printed on a sticker on the back or bottom of your router. If you can’t find it, you can also check your router’s user manual or contact AT&T customer support for assistance.

Step 2: Login to your router’s admin page
After entering your router’s IP address, you will be prompted to enter your username and password. These credentials can also be found on the same sticker as the IP address or in your router’s user manual. If you have changed your login credentials, use those instead. If you have trouble logging in, again, you can contact AT&T customer support for assistance.

Step 3: Navigate to the WiFi channel settings
Once you have successfully logged in to your router’s settings, you will need to navigate to the WiFi channel settings. This may vary depending on your router model, but it is usually found under the “Wireless” or “Advanced” settings tab. Look for an option that says “Channel” or “Channel Selection.”

Step 4: Select a new channel
Most routers have an option for automatic channel selection, where the router will automatically choose the least congested channel. However, if you want to manually select a channel, you can do so by selecting the desired channel from the drop-down menu. It is recommended to choose a channel that is least used by other WiFi networks in your area.

Step 5: Save your changes
After selecting a new channel, be sure to save your changes by clicking on the “Save” or “Apply” button. Your router will then restart, and your new channel will be in effect.

Step 6: Monitor your WiFi connection
Once you have changed your WiFi channel, it is essential to monitor your connection to see if there is any improvement. You can do this by performing a speed test or browsing the internet and streaming videos. If you notice an improvement in your connection, then you have successfully changed your WiFi channel.

In conclusion, changing your WiFi channel with AT&T can significantly improve your WiFi connection speed and stability. It is a simple yet effective solution to reduce interference from other WiFi networks and ensure a smooth browsing experience. If you continue to experience slow speeds or frequent disconnections even after changing your WiFi channel, you may need to contact AT&T customer support for further assistance. They may be able to provide additional tips or suggest a different solution to improve your WiFi connection.

facebook password hacker no survey


In today’s digital age, social media has become an integral part of our lives. With over 2.8 billion active users, facebook -parental-controls-guide”>Facebook is the largest social networking platform in the world. It allows us to connect with our friends and family, share our thoughts and experiences, and stay updated with the latest news and events. However, this widespread popularity has also made Facebook a target for hackers and scammers. One of the most sought-after hacks is the Facebook password hacker, which claims to give access to any Facebook account. In this article, we will delve deeper into this topic and discuss if there is really a way to hack into someone’s Facebook account without any surveys.

What is a Facebook Password Hacker?

A Facebook password hacker is a software or tool that claims to hack into someone’s Facebook account by obtaining their login credentials. These tools are usually marketed as a quick and easy way to access someone’s personal information, messages, and photos on Facebook. They promise to work on any Facebook account, regardless of its security settings, and without the need for any technical knowledge. However, as the saying goes, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

The Reality of Facebook Password Hacking

The truth is, there is no such thing as a Facebook password hacker that actually works. Facebook has a robust security system in place that makes it nearly impossible for anyone to hack into someone’s account. Moreover, hacking someone’s account without their consent is a criminal offense and can result in severe penalties. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that anyone would openly offer a tool that can hack into someone’s Facebook account.

The Danger of Online Surveys

The reason why many people fall for the Facebook password hacker scam is that these tools often require users to complete online surveys before gaining access to the supposed hacking tool. These surveys are designed to collect personal information from the users, such as their name, email address, phone number, and more. This information is then sold to third-party companies, which use it for targeted advertising or even identity theft. Therefore, not only are these surveys a waste of time, but they also pose a significant risk to your online privacy and security.

Other Scams Related to Facebook Password Hacking

Apart from online surveys, there are other scams related to Facebook password hacking that users should be aware of. One such scam involves fake websites or apps that claim to offer a Facebook password hacker tool. These websites or apps often have a similar layout to the original Facebook website, making it difficult to differentiate between the two. When users enter their login credentials, they are actually giving their information to the scammers, who then use it for malicious purposes.

Another popular scam is the “Facebook hacker for hire” service, where individuals claim to be professional hackers who can hack into any Facebook account for a fee. These services often ask for an upfront payment, but in reality, they do not have the skills or tools to carry out the hack. Instead, they may use the information provided by the victim to blackmail them or steal their identity.

The Consequences of Facebook Password Hacking

Apart from the legal consequences, there are other repercussions of attempting to hack into someone’s Facebook account. Firstly, it is a violation of someone’s privacy, and it can cause irreparable damage to their personal and professional relationships. Moreover, if you fall for a scam and provide your personal information, you are putting yourself at risk of identity theft, financial fraud, and other cybercrimes.

How to Protect Your Facebook Account

Now that we have established that there is no legitimate way to hack into someone’s Facebook account, it is essential to take steps to protect your account from potential hackers. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

1. Use a Strong Password: Always use a strong and unique password for your Facebook account. It should be a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters.

2. Enable Two-Factor Authentication : This adds an extra layer of security to your account by requiring a code sent to your phone every time you log in from an unknown device.

3. Be Wary of Suspicious Links and Messages: Do not click on links or open messages from unknown senders, as they may contain malware or phishing scams.

4. Keep Your Security Software Updated: Make sure to have reliable antivirus software installed on your device and keep it updated to protect against potential threats.

5. Do Not Share Your Login Credentials: Never share your Facebook login credentials with anyone, even if they claim to be from Facebook.


In conclusion, there is no legitimate way to hack into someone’s Facebook account without their consent. The Facebook password hacker tools and services available online are nothing but scams that aim to collect your personal information or money. Moreover, attempting to hack into someone’s account is a criminal offense and can have severe consequences. It is essential to be cautious and protect your online privacy and security by following the tips mentioned above. Remember, if you encounter any suspicious activity, report it to Facebook immediately. Let’s use social media responsibly and make the internet a safer place for everyone.

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